About me

Moritz Jülkenbeck's Home Tech is publication was first started because I wanted to write down all the stuff I did for my smart home automation purely for documentation reasons. I am having fun configuring, extending and updating my home network beyond what is needed, just because it is fun to change the way everything works. I really like optimising the servers and automatons I am running at home and to learn how it working behind the scenes.

At some in the past I started to study software engineering (and finished that with a masters degree) but never really worked in field after finalising my MBA. But the fun for tinkering with software, scripts and networks remained from that time and led me start a lot of different smaller and bigger projects.

I do maintain a small home server running different virtual machines, running all sort of smart home integrations. Some components are partly put together using Arduino boards. This way I am just trying out about everything that sounds fun. This might also include some 3d printed stuff because I want to organise some drawer ;)

On this blog I will publish whatever topic I spend some more time on when I think it needs to be documented (even if it is only for me). Of course there is a lot of stuff that I implemented before this page was started. I might add those things later on (when I reconfigure them or migrate them to something new).