New Page

New Page
Photo by Jukan Tateisi / Unsplash

This is the first post on an ongoing project called "Hosting my on publication using Ghost". This is ongoing because I have not yet decided how I am going to use this page and what exactly to publish. Also I have not fully grasped the capabilities of Ghost. Therefore changes to the site will becoming, it's just a question of when.

In the meantime I will post new stuff from time to time, when I find some new interesting topic, gadget or smart home idea. It might also that I change stuff in my home tech and think it worth to document.

Since the initial idea was to create a place where I can write down the stuff I am doing in my home, this will probably be the main content you will see here: Interesting network components and Home Assistant integrations and how they work (I consider Home Assistant one of the greater pieces of software for home automation ;) )

Probably integrating Alexa will be first since I am having that on my todo list since a long time.